The Great Awakening

It's time to start asking some serious questions that comfront our nation today. Let's break down the walls of political, economic, and social nonsense that have created a virtual prison for many Americans today to benefit a so-called "elite class" at the expense of our common welfare for all. Freedom has become nothing more than buzz word for many sold out politicians. Lies have become the norm and liberty no longer exists for many people. The Great Awakening is a new blog website that takes on the real issues that affect the American people and the real scoop on the endless propaganda that the MSM puts out daily to brainwash the American people.

Here's a little bit more discussion about this blog:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Red Alert! There's a Revolution Coming!

This man has figured it all out. The whole thing has been orchestrated by the rich families!

"How can the FBI do an "independent" investigation when they are in the same cabinet Paulson is? There will be a rubber stamp on Freddi/Fannie, so why waste more TAXPAYER dollars? Congress has increasingly voted more power to the FED (over 200 times) -- no questions asked. The Federal Reserve (FED) is NOT a Federal agency but a private bank owned by 12 extremely rich families mainly from Europe (Rothschilds, Warburgs, Harrimans, Rockefellers, Lehmans). All the FED does is "print money" -- the entire national debt is owed to these 12 families. Kennedy, Lincoln, and Jackson had the U.S. start printing its own money, and they were shot. The current financial meltdown by the FED has been planned for many years, but their time was running out and they had to speed it up. An hour of research on the FEDERAL RESERVE at google and on YouTube reveals volumes. After deliberately "creating" this nightmarish" financial crisis, the FED intended to "force" Congress (very quickly as in Paulson's dire warnings) to hand over the entire U.S. fnancial system, where the FED makes the rules and the U.S. has no more control. Congress would be obsolete. They would control all the banks, credit unions, investments, and insurance. For years now all government employees, social security and Veteran's recipients have been required to direct deposit their paychecks. The FED intends a cashless era, where you will be unable to use your debit card (or microchips) except at the mercy of the FEDERAL RESERVE'S 12 rich families.Please call your Congressman and say NO to the bailout. It takes 1 minute to do. The capital switchboard number is (202)224-3121"

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Eisenhower understood the dangers that we now see today in America from the unwarranted influence from the Military Industrial Complex:

The Existentialist Cowboy

What are your thoughts about this blog?

Pancho and Lefty

He only let him go out of kindness I suppose:

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Gambler - Kenny Rogers

You got to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em: