The Great Awakening

It's time to start asking some serious questions that comfront our nation today. Let's break down the walls of political, economic, and social nonsense that have created a virtual prison for many Americans today to benefit a so-called "elite class" at the expense of our common welfare for all. Freedom has become nothing more than buzz word for many sold out politicians. Lies have become the norm and liberty no longer exists for many people. The Great Awakening is a new blog website that takes on the real issues that affect the American people and the real scoop on the endless propaganda that the MSM puts out daily to brainwash the American people.

Here's a little bit more discussion about this blog:

Friday, October 31, 2008

George Carlin on Politically Incorrect

George Carlin is right on the money!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Founders' Political Spectrum revealed

This is a good explanation of the founders' vision:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Guy

What happened to the good 'ole days with shows like the Fall Guy?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Federal Reserve Audit

Is it time to audit the Federal Reserve? What are your thoughts?

The Money Changers

What are your thoughts about the fractional banking system? Is it rooted in a fraud?

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Wizard of Oz: Pay No Attention

Is it time that we start paying attention to the man behind the curtain?